Paul Pesci

Capturing an artist's resilience and return to music.

For years, artist Paul Pesci let fear exceed passion and allowed self-doubt to control his creativity. Jaded about music, he felt that quitting was the only logical answer to maintain his sanity. After a short-lived yet revealing hiatus, he realized that he only found peace through writing. Soon, his journal entries became an album titled 'I Swear I Quit Yesterday.' AD90 was brought on to help capture his emotions, thoughts, and energy through artwork and apparel.

- Creative Development
- Social & Digital Design
- Brand & Marketing Collateral
- Art Direction
- Original Still Photography
- Ideation Consultancy

An album cover of a man leaning in front of a book store.

Putting the pieces together

Pesci approached AD90 to create cover art for every track on the album to be used as promotional pieces on his social media channels. Each song has its own story and feel, but still maintains the overall aura of the album and its message. Our goal was to capture that dynamic, bringing out the essence of each individual track through imagery that inspired the album and his personal life, and tying them all together through the design direction, which emulates a flattened J-Card typically found in cassette packaging.

Rehabilitation Program

To capture the conflict of Pesci finding it hard to quit, we took inspiration from rehab t-shirts commonly seen in the 1990s. The hand illustration represents a person crossing their fingers behind their back when telling a lie: further building on the fact that Pesci swore he quit music prior to the release of this album.

*Shirt graphic was designed in collaboration with AD90, Masterstroke Design House, and JP Managa.

A long sleeve white shirt from the Pesci collection that is in the style of an informercial.

Next Guest: Pique